Professor da Universidade de Sussex dá aula no BRI

Na quarta-feira (29/10), às 10:00h, tivemos a presença do professor Dr Andreas Antoniades do Department of International Relations da University of Sussex (uma das principais referência do estudo de RI). Ele irá ministrou uma aula extra para os alunos do BRI.

O tema da palestra foi:
“Emerging Powers and the Global Economic Crisis: Assessing the Geoeconomics of Resilience”.
The global financial crisis that followed the 2007 subprime crisis in the US led to a rapid rebalancing in the global economy, between advanced and emerging economies. In this environment, one would expect growth in developing countries to collapse. Yet, emerging and developing economies demonstrated unaccepted resilience to the crisis. The aim of the presentation is to examine the factors that underlie this resilience and new policy initiatives aiming at sustaining it. We also explore what ‘degrees of freedom’ the observed resilience creates for the major emerging powers of ‘global South’.

Wednesday the 3rd. .